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52nd Annual Hang Gliding Spectacular
05/16/2024 to 05/19/2024

The 52nd Annual Hang Gliding Spectacular will be held on Thursday, May 16th-Sunday May 19th. We invite pilots from all over the country to come fly with us for this four-day event at Jockey’s Ridge State Park in Nags Head, NC, and the Cotton Gin in Jarvisburg, NC (see full schedule below). We will have gliders from Wills Wing and Moyes and new Flytec equipment to demo.

Pink letters "OBX Shredfest"

The Dare2Care OBX Shred Fest helps bring awareness and support to over 5,000 area Dare County Veterans as well as increasing community inclusion for people of all ability levels. The Dare2Care OBX Music Initiative, in partnership with Motu Music Foundation (501 c 3), provides opportunities for personal growth, development and healing through music programs lead by renowned musicians.
